Bernie Sanders

The Candidate's Dilemma: "I call on my opponents to stop calling on me to drop out."

If you put all of the crowds that flock to watch Warren, Buttigieg, Bloomberg and Biden into this arena, would they fill even half of it?by Thomas NeuburgerThe "Prisoner's Dilemma" is a game often analyzed in game theory. In its simplest form, it looks like this:Two prisoners are accused of a crime.

The New York Times’ Fear of a Bernie Nomination

The New York Times is one of the most prominent mediums for the Democratic Party establishment’s talking points. On Sunday, after Bernie Sanders’ landslide victory in the Nevada caucus, here is what two front page articles on the subject are saying. It amounts to a case study of the paper’s and the Democratic establishment’s fear of Bernie winning the party nomination.

The Democrats Have No Choice Left but to Feel the Bern

Now that Bernie Sanders has been informed that the Kremlin is trying to support him (whether he likes it or not) he has officially become a viable candidate who may actually desire to make real systemic change. In a way the Russia connection accusation can now be worn as a badge of honour by Gabbard and Trump due to them truly being a limited threat to the status quo.

The Ochelli Effect – DNC Strangelove Flaming Insanity

From Mike Swanson started the Tuesday night show with some thoughts on files he was reading related to war footing during the Eisenhower Administration. Chuck went off on a few tangents regarding the insanity of serious considerations being given to the use of nuclear arms. Like in the movie War Games, is the only […]

Nevada Caucus-Goers Crown Bernie Sanders, Bury Bloomberg and Warren

The ninth Democratic nationally televised debate between presidential candidates on Wednesday, February 19 proved to be a crucial one; Dramatic confrontations and melt-downs during it could be clearly seen to impact on the outcome of the Nevada state caucuses, which took place only three days later.
Nevada confirmed the main trends that had emerged in New Hampshire and Iowa, Senator Bernie Sanders, championing ideas so radical that President Franklin Roosevelt supported them 80 years ago, came first with an impressive 40.5 percent.

Are Bernie and the Democrat Party just entertainment? [Video]

The 2020 campaign for Presidential nominee in the Democrat Party is very strange. The characteristics are warped, thrown into a quasi-hypnotic level of distortion. At least, that is how it looks from a conservative viewpoint.
The campaign does do one thing very well. It highlights the extremely vivid ideological divide between a culture of common sense and pragmatic conservatism such as it exists with President Trump, and the schizophrenic range of ideologies that all together make up an extremely liberal offering of candidates.

How Bernie Sanders Became a Fighter for Palestine — With the Democratic primary in full swing, the outlines of public debate are pretty much entrenched.  Common wisdom on the left says that all of the candidates are bad on Palestine except for Bernie Sanders.  Despite some problems, pundits declare, Sanders is still the best.  Is the statement true, though, or is it a convenient truism?