
Trumpf Says When People Call Him P.T. Barnum He Takes It As A Compliment

I'd venture to guess that most people who have heard of Phineas Taylor Barnum (P.T. Barnum) think he coined the phrase "there's a sucker born every minute." He didn't, nor did Donald Trump, but both men have lived their lives as though they did. Barnum plagued American for most of the 19th Century, a hustler who Trumpf has modeled himself on. He was a businessman/showman, author and politician (briefly).

Army Report Confirms Bergdahl Never Intended to Desert

The charges leveled against freed POW Sgt Bowe Bergdahl this week are making less and less sense the more details of Army reports emerge, as the Army had apparently concluded that Bergdahl did none of the things he’s being charged with.
Bergdahl is facing two main charges, desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. The later was seen as particularly strange at the time, since the Army had already cleared him of misconduct during his near five years as a hostage months prior.

Has Pointless Racism Driven The Republican Party Mad?

Last night, writing about the need to cope with China's role in Climate Change, Paul Krugman pointed out that "any attempt to make sense of current American politics must take into account this particular indicator of the Republican Party’s descent into madness." Krugman's analysis stands up across a dozen "issues," but it doesn't take into account the bitter and primitive racism and white outrage at the heart of the deranged and persistent drive to delegitimize the presidency of Barack Obama, a der