Ben Sasse

What Would You Do If A Sitting Democratic President Became As Morally Deranged And As Dangerous To National Security As Trump Is?

  The Wall Street Journal's Joe Flint reported, just before Trump's clownish town hall stunt yesterday, that "More than one hundred prominent actors, writers and producers are protesting NBC News’s decision to carry [the thing] opposite a previously scheduled Joe Biden town hall on rival ABC New

The Separation-of-Powers Doctrine Is Brilliantly Explained to US Senators who, Mostly, Do Not Want to Hear it!

Senator Sasse delivers a serious scolding to his fellow legislators for abandoning the doctrine of separation of powers in return for popularity and ease of re-election. This 12-minute civic lesson-on-steroids is a monumental contribution to the spoken record of liberty that will be just as valuable for future generations as it is today.

From ‘disgusting’ to ‘treason’: Mainstream US media horrified by Trump-Putin summit

RT | July 16, 2018 The sight of US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin not attacking each other at the press conference following their summit in Helsinki sent mainstream US media into a spiral of rage. “You have been watching one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president at a […]