Louisiana Becomes the 25th State to Ban Boycotts on Israel

Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards issued an executive order that requires the state to terminate all contracts with individuals or companies that currently boycott Israel or support those who do. Future state contracts will require parties to sign an agreement stating their compliance with the new law.  This law may violate the Constitution of Louisiana that protects Freedom of Expression. [...]

Israel Calls on the EU to End Funding of Pro-BDS Groups

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel called on the European Union on Friday to halt funding to more than a dozen European and Palestinian non-governmental organizations that it says promote boycotts against Israel, saying the financial support violates the EU’s stated policy that it opposes boycotts against the Jewish state.
Israel’s Strategic Affairs Ministry published a report with a list of groups that it says receive EU funding and call for boycotts against Israel. It said some of the groups had links to militant groups while receiving EU money.

BDS Claims “Massive Victory” After Company Reports $4 Million Loss

(MEMO) — Supporters of the international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement are claiming a major victory following the news that an engineering company reported a loss of over $4 million on the back of a campaign exposing its alleged links with Israel Aerospace Industries. The losses were revealed by the company’s chief executive officer during a bitter Twitter […]

Natalie Portman Refuses to Visit Israel, Citing Extremely ‘Distressing’ Recent Events

(MEE) — Israel’s culture minister said actor Natalie Portman had fallen “into the hands of the BDS supporters” after the Jerusalem-born actress cancelled her trip to Israel, where she was meant to receive the “Jewish Nobel” prize. Citing extreme distress at “recent events in Israel”, the Oscar-award winning actress was due to be the recipient of the […]

HSBC Faces Mounting Pressure Over Links to Israeli Human Rights Abuses

Campaigners are protesting what they claim are HSBC’s links to Israeli human rights abuses, with more than 18,000 people contacting the group’s chief executive to express concern.
According to activists, the bank “profits from Israel’s military violence against Palestinians through investments and loans to companies which supply military equipment to Israel”.

Stopping Zionist Genocide Against The Palestinians: The Boycott, Divestment, And Sanctions (BDS) Campaign

  Palestinians have been victims ofgenocide as defined by the 1948 Genocide Convention since the founding of theState of Israel. I say that because of my practical experience. I single-handedly won two World Court Orders for the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina against Yugoslavia (both Serbia and Montenegro)to cease and desist from committing all acts of genocide against the Republic[Read More...]