BDS and Workers’ Unity are Crucial in Maintaining International Solidarity for Palestine

PEORIA, ILLINOIS — The corporate website proudly informs its readers:

At Caterpillar, we are committed to respecting internationally recognized human rights throughout our global operations. While this policy is uniquely our own, we considered principles described in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in its development.”

Leaked Scenes from a Censored Documentary Show How A Fake Protest was Staged and Passed Off As a Grassroots Pro-Israel Campaign

Leaked scenes from the censored Al Jazeera undercover documentary, “The Lobby – USA,” purportedly show an Israel lobbyist astroturfing an anti-BDS “student” protest at the 2016 Students for Justice in Palestine national conference. Max Blumenthal [...]

Rashida Tlaib Dodges Questions About Endorsement from Israel Lobby

Michigan Democrat Rashida Tlaib was asked directly by the UK’s Channel 4 on Monday whether she would vote against US military aid to Israel if, as expected, she is elected to Congress in November.
Tlaib avoided the question at first, giving a lengthy answer about her Palestinian ancestry and emphasizing that she is “for equality for all, for making sure every single person there has every right to thrive.”

Dozens of Jewish Groups Back BDS Movement, Slam False ‘Antisemitism’ Claims

(MEMO) — Dozens of Jewish groups worldwide issued “an unprecedented joint statement on Tuesday backing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and saying that criticism of Israel’s actions does not equate to antisemitism”, reported The New Arab. The initiative was led by US-based Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and the signatories include 36 Jewish groups from 15 […]

CODEPINK Co-Director Ariel Gold Denied Entry and Deported by Israel for Her Pro-BDS Stance

TEL AVIV, ISRAEL — Just a few months after Israel’s Strategic Affairs Ministry released a full list of organizations whose activists will be barred from entering Israel for advancing the cause of the Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment (BDS) movement, Jewish-American activist and CODEPINK national co-director Ariel Gold was denied entry and then deported from Israel at Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv Monday.