Politics of instigation: How Israel deliberately initiates ethnic cleansing of Palestinians

Over 2,000 Palestinian Children Killed  Since Outbreak of Second Intifada

The psychological instigation is worse. Trying to disrupt the collective identity of the Palestinians , the mutilation of the developmental milestone of the psyche with humiliation, the detainment of young Palestine children, watching your ancestral home being smashed to the ground for Jewish settlements to seep in, the censorship of right of speech, the inhibition of basic right to movement etc.



Upcoming Third Intifada will Alienate Israel Psychologically and Economically


“Let it be clear to any company or organization that’s considering boycotting us: We will hit back. We will attack our attackers. We will boycott our boycotters.”  Education Minister Naftali Bennett, the leader of her Jewish Home party
 “De-legitimization of Israel must be fought, and you are on the front lines. It’s not about this or that Israeli policy. It’s about our right to exist here as a free people.”  Netanyahu during an emergency summit to address BDS.

Le sionisme en guerre contre nos libertés : l’appel au boycott désormais interdit en France !

C’est à se demander jusqu’où ira le lobby sioniste français qui a fini par obtenir la criminalisation d’un acte de resistance citoyenne pacifique : l’appel au boycott. Initié par la socitété civile palestienne en 2002, cet acte militant est la voie de la resistance non violente face au silence et à la complicité de la « communauté internationale » et de la Ligue Arabe.

Israel’s descent into unmasked, right wing extremism: A new generation rises to fight occupation, settler-colonialism, apartheid

Hundreds of Jewish protesters tried to block Greek Orthodox Christians from entering King David’s Tomb in the Old City of Jerusalem The site also is sacred to Christians who believe that Jesus' Last Supper took place on the second floor of the tomb. Getty Images


This Palestinian resistance is a spontaneous reaction to the most racist, far-right government in Israel’s history


Hate-Mongering Israeli Rabbis Call Killing Palestinians “a Religious Duty”

“It’s now a matter of when the next Palestinian child fatality will occur and not if it will take place. The complete disregard for human life that Israeli soldiers exhibit suggests that the use of lethal force is their standard operating procedure whatever the circumstance.”
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Intifada Or Not, Something Powerful Is Going On

The protests that have swept Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank this month have seen tens of thousands of Palestinians take to the streets. Men and women of all ages have joined the movement. In some cases, these massive demonstrations have passed peacefully, as protesters massed to chant slogans in unity, demanding solidarity to fight the Israeli military occupation.
The post Intifada Or Not, Something Powerful Is Going On appeared first on BSNEWS.

Solidarity with the Palestinian Popular Resistance! Boycott Israel now!

Whether the current phase of Israel's intensified repression and Palestinian popular resistance will evolve into a full-fledged intifada or not, one thing is already evident – a new generation of Palestinians is marching on the footsteps of previous generations, rising up en masse against Israel's brutal, decades-old regime of occupation, settler colonialism and apartheid.

Reviewing Trashy Hasbara against BDS

Definitely not ‘civilized’ western nations, their governments, churches and media, nor Arab countries shackled to US dollars. Palestinians are, moreover, abandoned by a spineless UN, and betrayed by the treason of the Palestinian Authority that collaborates with Israel. Apart from BDS friends and actions, Palestine is alone.

by Vacy Vlazna