Israeli Minister Facebook Rant Blames Brussels Bombing on EU Labelling of Illegal Settlement Goods

21st Century Wire says…
Now here’s another interesting take on the Brussels Attacks. 
There are three possible angles you could read this story from:
1. This Israeli minister is essentially saying that because the EU chose to worry about the Palestinian plight, it reaped the scurge of Islamist terror on its capital.
2. This Israeli minister is a few cards short of a full deck.

Pink-Slipping Hillary

In March 2003, just before the US invasion of Iraq, about one hundred CODEPINK women dressed in pink slips weaved in and out of congressional offices demanding to meet with representatives. Those representatives who pledged to oppose going to war with Iraq were given hugs and pink badges of courage; those hell-bent on taking the US to war were given pink slips emblazoned with the words “YOU’RE FIRED.”

Hard Laws and Harder Experiences: Apartheid in Palestine

Apartheid in Palestine (University of Alberta Press, 2016) is a valuable guide in the struggle for justice in Palestine. Editor Ghada Ageel gathered activists, indigenous Palestinians and scholars, which do not represent the worn-out media views that the public is tired of hearing. The authors believe that peace to the region can only come if justice is done to Palestinians and if their rights, denied for decades by Israel and the international community, are met.