The Boycott, Divestment And Sanctions Movement Turns 12

On July 9, 2005, Palestinian civil society made the Call for BDS, which demands an end to Israel’s military occupation and the dismantling of its illegal wall.
Twelve years ago, one of the most prominent calls for non-violent resistance to Israel’s military occupation was launched. The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, BDS, movement has since made waves, securing hundreds of wins over the years against Israeli oppression against Palestinians.

Radiohead in Israel: why is Thom Yorke so outraged over boycott call?

Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke has now made a public statement rejecting calls from Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) and the wider Palestinian solidarity movement to cancel the band’s Tel Aviv concert. Disappointingly, it’s a piece riddled with liberal evasions, barbed charges, and unfounded assumptions about those making the case for a boycott. Here’s Yorke’s full comments on the issue, as reported at Rolling Stone: I’ll […]

Fordham University Sued For Playing Politics With Student Groups

Students and supporters protest Fordham University’s ban on Students for Justice in Palestine, a student group which advocates the rights of Palestinians. (Photo: Joe Catron/MintPress News)
Four Fordham undergraduates filed a lawsuit accusing the university of viewpoint discrimination over its decision to reject their application to form a local chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine.

The Next Phase In The War On BDS: Why Israel Detained Omar Barghouti

  The Israeli state has violated international law more than any other country, yet has rarely, if ever, been held accountable for its crimes and misconduct. Israel’s successful public relation campaigns through the ever-willing western media partners, coupled with the relentless work and pressure carried out by its powerful backers in Washington DC, London, Paris and elsewhere, has borne stupendous results. For a while,[Read More...]

UK Students ‘Disciplined’ Over Support For Boycott On Israeli Goods

Image of a banner reading ‘Stop Arming Israel’ by the student-led BDS campaign at the University of Manchester on 3 March 2017 (BDS Campaign University of Manchester/Facebook)
The University of Manchester has come under sharp criticism for its decision to discipline two students for their role in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign during Israel Apartheid Week earlier this month.

Trump Son-In-Law’s Deep Ties To Israel, Netanyahu Raise Doubts Of Impartiality

White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner arrives for a meeting between President Donald Trump and automobile leaders in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2017. (AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
JERUSALEM — Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, has deep business and personal ties to Israel that could raise questions about his ability to serve as an honest broker as he oversees the White House’s Mideast peace efforts.

British BDS Campaigner Refused Entry To Israel

Hugh Lanning addresses a Palestine Solidarity Campaign rally in the UK in 2014. (Photo: PSC/flickr)
A British activist who advocates boycotting Israel over its occupation of Palestinian territory has been denied entry to the country, authorities said Monday.
Hugh Lanning, the chair of the London-based Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC), was denied entry on Sunday night at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv over his “ongoing actions to promote boycotts against Israel,” a statement from the immigration authority said.