Boycott Israel Movement Nominated for 2018 Nobel Peace Prize

(MEMO) — The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian rights has been nominated for the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize. Formal nomination for the prestigious award was made last week by the Norwegian MP and leader of the Red Party, Bjørnar Moxness. In a statement announcing the nomination, the Parliamentary Group, which includes a number of […]

Israel’s New Blacklist of BDS-Supporting Groups Sparks Outrage

“Israel is isolating itself even further as an apartheid state,” says CODEPINK.
(COMMONDREAMS— Advocacy groups vowed to continue their fight for peace and justice on Sunday after the Israeli government announced they are banned from the country for their support of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement known as BDS.

Israel Will Spend $72 Million to Fight against BDS Boycotts with New Program

Israel will create a civilian infrastructure (described as 'civil-society') that seeks to change the present social order, usually ending in regime change, yet it operates outside of government. In other words, it is revolution by people who do not wear military uniforms. Some examples of civil-society organizations include PACs, unions, activist organizations, religious groups, and private service agencies. Activities of Israel's 'civil society' will include public-relations campaigns, funding trips to Israel for opinion-leaders, and lobbying legislators.

The Dark Inevitability of Zionism

Opinion — We know where Zionism has taken Israel. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 led the way. In that imperial and colonial document, the British promised the World Zionist Organization a “Jewish National Home” in Palestine. They did so, as Edward Said put it, in “flat disregard of both the presence and wishes of the native majority residents in that territory.”


Palestinians Hold Protest In Ramallah Against “Betrayal” By South African Government Officials

On 20 November 2017, Palestinians from various civil society organizations held a protest outside the SA Embassy in the West Bank Palestinian city of Ramallah. One protestor held a placard reading “We stood firmly with your liberation struggle, too much to expect your support for ours?”, another protestor held a poster reading “South Africa can’t support our struggle for self determination? Do[Read More...]