Thinking The Right Thoughts

In short, to be a successful corporate journalist with high public visibility, two of the most important attributes are to direct one's scepticism in the required direction - towards state 'enemies' - and to overlook or play down Western crimes. But perhaps the most important asset is the ability to believe sincerely in the essential ideological framework that drives Western government policies and public pronouncements: that 'we' are committed to making the world a better place.

Eeny, Meeny Madness – Beyond Racism

This is a common and disastrous theme in contemporary society. As long as we are willing to perceive, or deem ourselves responsible for, only one small part of our world, the suffering of the world as a whole can be overlooked, or declared beyond our job spec: 'I'm an oil executive, it's not my job to protect the climate.' 'I'm an arms manufacturer, it's not my job to prevent people killing each other.' 'I'm a science writer, it's not my job to comment on my government's war crimes.'

What Does it Mean to be a Friend of Israel?

The message is simple: DON’T EVER VOTE FOR A FRIEND OF ISRAEL.
Please distribute this video as widely as possible. It is one of the few chances that the Un-chosen People have of fighting back.
But be careful who you ask for advice. If I were a Friend of Israel (perish the thought) I would try to infiltrate as many anti-Israel organisations that I could, including websites that purported to be pro-Palestinian.
Remember Mossad’s motto: “By way of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War.”
6-year-old child detained on his way to school – YouTube

BBC in the service of Israeli propaganda

by Amena Saleem                         Electronic Intifada
Over the last five weeks, the trend in BBC reporting to ignore events that show Israel in a negative light, while affording coverage to tenuous claims from the Israeli army that it has uncovered Palestinian “terror” plots, has become quite glaring.

The Zionist Propaganda Surrounding Sderot

Ed Miliband, UK Labour Party leader and younger brother of former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband David Miliband, has just been on a visit to Israel and occupied Palestine. Ed, who is Jewish, is a wannabe prime minister. And he may succeed in taking the top job next year if Agent Cameron continues annoying the voting public.
A BBC report tells us that Miliband and his wife Justine “were shown where the rockets are fired which rain down on this Israeli town of Sderot.

Israel identified it’s enemies as perpetrators of 9/11 within hours of the attacks

Highlights from the BBC’s flagship news and current affairs programme, Newsnight, broadcast less than 10 hours after the attacks on September 11.
Notable for statements by Richard Perle, who appears keen throughout to imply a connection with Iraq and Iran — thus sticking to the Project for the New American Century script, of which he is co-author.

Scotlandshire: BBC Scotland Coverage of the Independence Referendum

Coverage of the Scottish independence referendum, due to be held on September 18 this year, is a compelling example of the deep establishment bias of the corporate media. Some critics have characterised the BBC’s coverage, in particular, as though Scotland is merely a region or a county of the United Kingdom called ‘Scotlandshire‘.