Last chance! [And this time they really, really, mean it]

ClimateChangePredictions | October 30, 2015 The United Nations Climate Change Conference is having its 21st meeting in Paris towards the end of 2015. (Hence COP21 or conference of parties) We’ve been told this is the ‘last effective opportunity’ to keep global warming to ‘a limit safe for humanity.’ However we are reassured by the fact […]

From ‘sexed up’ in Iraq to silenced in Afghanistan, cowing of the BBC continues

By Dan Glazebrook | RT | November 6, 2015 Ever since allegations that Saddam Hussein’s WMD program were “sexed up” to give the UK reason for joining the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq, the BBC has been “cowed,” a claim that seemed vindicated following last month’s US attack of an Afghan hospital. On October 3rd, […]

‘Let’s Bring In Our Pentagon Spokesman’ – Bombing Syria

For indeed the unwritten rule informing this type of journalism is: if you want to get close to the 'defence' establishment, you better be close to the 'defence' establishment: ideologically, sympathetically, 'patriotically'.
A near-perfect example of this industry-wide perceptual bias has been supplied this year by BBC diplomatic editor, Mark Urban.
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BBC Protects UK’s Close Ally, Saudi Arabia, With Incredibly Dishonest and Biased Editing

The BBC loves to boast about how “objective” and “neutral” it is. But a recent article, which it was forced to change, illustrates the lengths to which the British state-funded media outlet will go to protect one of the UK Government’s closest allies, Saudi Arabia, which also happens to be one of its largest arms purchasers (just this morning, the Saudi Ambassador to the UK threatened in an Op-Ed that any further criticism of the Riyadh regime by Jeremy Corbyn could jeopardize the multi-layered UK/Saudi alliance).

Sick Sophistry – BBC News On The Afghan Hospital ‘Mistakenly’ Bombed By The United States

One of the defining features of the corporate media is that Western crimes are ignored or downplayed. The US bombing of a Médecins Sans Frontières hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, on the night of October 3, is an archetypal example.
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Nuclear War and Corbyn: The Fury and the Farce

Last month, 250,000 party members voted Jeremy Corbyn leader of the Labour party, ‘the largest mandate ever won by a Party Leader.’ The combined might of the political and media establishment had fought and lost its Stalingrad, having bombarded Corbyn with every conceivable smear in a desperate attempt to wreck his reputation with the British public. The more extreme the attacks, the more people caught on.