Is Fukushima’s nuclear nightmare over? Don’t count on it

By Christopher Busby – RT – March 12, 2016 On the 5th Anniversary of the catastrophe, Prof Geraldine Thomas, the nuclear industry’s new public relations star, walked through the abandoned town of Ohkuma inside the Fukushima exclusion zone with BBC reporter Rupert Wingfield-Hayes. Thomas was described as “one of Britain’s leading experts on the health […]

Jimmy Savile, the BBC & the ‘Grey, Shadowy Figure in the Background’…

Dame Janet Smith’s 1,000-page report into the sexual misconduct of Jimmy Savile and Stuart Hall and the actions and policies of the BBC during that time has now been published on the BBC website. It is already being labelled by some as the most expensive whitewash in history: a £6.5 million investigation that tells people […]

BBC Imagines World War III

Believing their own propaganda about “Russian aggression,” Western leaders are building up NATO forces in the Baltic states, which treat ethnic Russians as second-class citizens, possibly provoking a nuclear showdown that no one wants and that a searing BBC documentary imagines, writes Gilbert Doctorow. By Gilbert Doctorow The documentary film “World War Three: Inside the War Room” was…

A Syrian Breakthrough

The Russians and their Syrian allies have cut the main supply line of the rebels to the north of Aleppo, the Azaz corridor. In our last report, we wrote about the Azaz corridor, “a narrow strip of land connecting Turkey to the rebel forces in Aleppo. Though it has been narrowed down to four miles in some places, the Syrian [government] Army can’t take it, despite the Russian aerial support.

Wicked Games: US ‘Uses Terrorism as Main Mechanism of Its Foreign Policy’

Sputnik – February 10, 2016 In an interview with RT, Russian military analyst Alexander Zhilin said that US media allegations that Russia is pursuing its own interests in Syria are “absolute nonsense”, given that Moscow “cooperates there with the legitimately elected president.” He also pointed to Washington’s hypocritical statements about the necessity of fighting terrorism, saying they came as the White House […]

Propaganda Overdrive: Why Does the BBC Want a Nuclear War With Russia…?

It’s always curious to note what kind of documentaries an organisation like the BBC chooses to make and what documentaries it chooses not to. For example, a documentary about how terrible Gaddafi’s Libya was? Yeah, of course that got broadcast. A documentary about the slaughter carried about by the anti-Gaddafi ‘rebels’ and mercenaries – no, […]