The CIA Doesn’t Need To Spy On Free Thinkers, The Private Sector Does It For Free

21st Century Wire says…
Here’s something quite ‘Pavlovian’ to think about. What ‘if’ it were a goal of government and their security services to ensure that we ‘feel’ we’re being watched at every turn, in every-way feasible;  but reality is not exact what we ‘think’ it is and we’re doing most of the censoring all by ourselves.

Facebook’s new guide to spotting fake news

Facebook has been spamming  alerting users about how to spot fake news or ‘false news’ as they call it. It’s an insult to most people’s intelligence, but for the sake up absolute clarity, I thought I’d go through each ‘helpful’ tip one step at a time.
Here they are along with my own advice on what it means.
1. Be sceptical of headlines:
False news stories often have catch headlines in all caps with exclamation points. If shocking claims in the headlines sound unbelievable they probably are.
Yes some headlines are very misleading.

UK Ambassador blasts BBC, ‘expect ISIS to stage more chemical weapons attacks’ thanks to Trump

Former British Ambassador to Syria Peter Ford went on the BBC to explain why the chemical attack in the ISIS-Al Qaeda controlled town of Khan Sheikhoun was not committed by the Assad government.
Ford was the UK ambassador to Damascus from 2003-2006, so he actually has experience dealing with Assad and knowledge of Syria.
When the BBC host claimed that Assad is responsible for the chemical attack in Syria, saying, “That’s a statement of fact, right?”

3 groups of people disappointed that Russia hasn’t retaliated against US forces

1. The Russophobic Press 
The press who have spent years calling President Putin a dictator, a tyrant and a threat to world peace are very disappointed today. Their disappointment stems from the fact that Russia’s response to the illegal and unprovoked attack on Syria will be defensive measures that are legal and  and proportionate to the US instigated provocation.

BBC redacts article on Idlib to hide unwelcome facts

OffGuardian | April 7, 2017 The push for “action” following the alleged chemical attack in Idlib, Syria is reaching fever pitch. Indeed, it may already have had disastrous consequences. The spokespeople for power that are the Western press consider the case against the Assad regime air-tight. Absent any forensic, or even circumstantial, evidence the mainstream […]