‘The BBC Has Betrayed Its Own Rules Of Impartiality’: Yemen, Saudi Arabia And The General Election

Media Lens – June 5, 2017 A key function of BBC propaganda is to present the perspective of ‘the West’ on the wars and conflicts of the world. Thus, in a recent online report, BBC News once again gave prominence to the Pentagon propaganda version of yet more US killings in Yemen. The headline stated: […]

In 2017, every nine days a terror attack is attempted in Europe (Chart)

Earlier today The Duran reported on a BBC host speaking to MSNBC on the Manchester bombing, telling her US host that “Europe is getting used to attacks, we have to.”
This graph proves her point. Terror attacks in Europe are coming awfully close to becoming a daily occurrence, and Europeans are becoming conditioned to accept this fact.
In a neo-liberal European Union, tolerance trumps safety.

Alex Jones’ InfoWars gets White House press credentials

Mainstream media has been sent into a frenzy as Donald Trump’s White House grants White House press credentials to InfoWars, the media outlet owned and operated by Alex Jones.
This means that an InfoWars reporter now has the option to be present at all White House press conferences and briefings just as those from CNN, the New York Times and state-owned British Broadcaster BBC currently are and have been for decades.

FROME MEDIA EVENT: Disarming the #FakeNews Media Giants – Media on Trial

21st Century Wire says…
A ground breaking event has been organised by UK’s Frome Stop War on the 11th June 2017.  #FakeNews has become the catch-all for the corporate media battle against the swelling ranks of independent journalists and media outlets who threaten to dismantle their well constructed tower of lies surrounding international and domestic events. 

US rejects Putin’s offer of transcript of Trump-Lavrov meeting

The US political and media establishment has rejected and even ridiculed President Putin’s offer to Congress of the transcripts of the meeting in the Oval Office between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and US President Donald Trump.
The prevailing response to the offer is that it was not intended seriously.  The tone was set by BBC journalist who speaking on British television claimed that in making the offer Putin was having, and was just trolling the US, and that there is “no possibility” of the US accepting a transcript written on “Kremlin notepaper”.

Emmanuel Macron bans RT and Sputnik. Is the Presidential hopeful out to kill free speech in France?

Emmanuel Macron has banned popular international media outlets RT and Sputnik from his campaign headquarters and his private events which most media sources are more or less automatically allowed to cover.
After Macron’s victory in the first round of the French elections, The Duran asked if a nationwide ban would come to pass during a Macron Presidency,