BBC BLASTED for promoting video cartoon saying “there’s no such thing as a pure Brit” (Video)

BBC is under fire for publishing and promoting what has been called by critics a “dishonest” video cartoon stating that the United Kingdom “was multicultural before curry and carnival.”
The BBC video was designed to engage teenage school students aged 14 to 16 on the charged topic of immigration, but it has instead sparked fierce backlash from many UK politicians, who have accused the authors of the cartoon of clear political bias.

When Thatcher Banned Celebrities from a Number 10 Party

Recently released files show that Denis Thatcher – the oil baron husband of British PM Margaret Thatcher – personally vetted a list of celebrities to be invited for a glitzy reception at Number 10.  While the likes of Ronnie Corbett, Judi Dench and Andrew Lloyd-Webber were considered friends of the government others such as Paul […](Read more...)

Exposed! How Britain’s anti-Semitism Scaremongers Operate

By Eve Mykytyn | Information Clearing House | July 10, 2018 This article about the British charitable organisation, the Campaign against Anti-Semitism (CAA), and its officers, Gideon Falter and Steve Silverman, examines events in England but ought to serve as a cautionary message for Canadians and Americans. The article will delve into the corrosive methods of […]

Novichok being Rebooted More Often than Spiderman

As the Amesbury poisoning drama enters its third act we have been given an entirely new set of claims regarding Novichok, which directly contradict the previous claims. With an air of ‘scientific’ authority the BBC is now telling us that Novichok could be around for decades, implying that everyone in Britain is at risk of […](Read more...)

Novichok Part Deux: A Fusion of Media, Government & Military

As if the Skripal Affair was odd and ridiculous enough, this latest chapter in the Novichok thriller series seems even more unlikely and outlandish than its previous iteration. As expected, British officials are all lining-up with official statements of righteous indignation, each blaming Russia for another supposed “chemical attack” on British soil.

BBC Misrepresent OPCW Report to Uphold UK FCO Narrative on Douma

Video – thanks to Skwawkbox who managed to record the original BBC report making the claim that “chlorine was used” in Douma… we have clear evidence of the BBC either lying outright or being unable to read the OPCW report correctly. The BBC later changed the headline on their report to read ” Syria war: ‘Possible chlorine’ at Douma attack […]
The post BBC Misrepresent OPCW Report to Uphold UK FCO Narrative on Douma appeared first on BSNEWS.

Deconstructing British anti-Russian propaganda: the parallel universe of the BBC

This article was first published by the Off-Guardian, written by their writer Kit, and is republished with their permission.
(The Duran is republishing in its entirety this article with the kind permission of The Off-Guardian since it is one of the best deconstructions of an anti-Russian programme of a sort which is now typical on mainstream television in the West.