Real ‘obscene masquerade’: How BBC depicted staged hospital scenes as proof of Douma chemical attack

In an extraordinary turn of events, corporate media appears to have been exposed again as an extension of state foreign policy, by a member of the establishment media cabal, manufacturing consent for regime change in Syria. Riam Dalati is on the BBC production team based in Beirut and describes himself, on his Twitter page, as an “esteemed colleague” of Quentin Sommerville, the […]

BBC producer admits Douma attack was false flag that nearly sparked Russia – U.S. hot war (Video)

BBC producer Riam Dalati believes that the scenes caught on video from a hospital in Douma, Syria were staged, all in an effort driven by jihadist terrorists and White Helmet “activists” to draw the U.S. and its allies into full on confrontation with Syria, and by extension Russia.
The viral images caused a media firestorm in 2018, showing children allegedly suffering from chemicals, as main stream media channels, like the BBC itself, called for war with Assad.

Real ‘obscene masquerade’: How BBC depicted staged hospital scenes as proof of Douma chemical attack

By Vanessa Beeley | RT | February 16, 2019 In an extraordinary turn of events, corporate media appears to have been exposed again as an extension of state foreign policy, by a member of the establishment media cabal, manufacturing consent for regime change in Syria. Riam Dalati is on the BBC production team based in […]

UK COLUMN: Collapse of Douma Narrative, Trump’s War on Fentanyl, Yellow Vest ‘Sub-species’

Uproar this week as BBC producer Riam Dalati breaks rank with the western establishment claiming this week, ‘I can prove without a doubt that the Douma Hospital scene was staged.’ But is he ready to go all the way, or is this just another controlled detonation my the MSM to cover-up a bigger scandal? All this and much more. 
Hosts Mike Robinson and Brian Gerrish are joined by guests Alex Thomson and Vanessa Beeley for Friday news round-up. Watch:

‘Western Media Haven’t Covered Syria the Way They Should’ – Prof

Sputnik – February 14, 2019 The video of people being treated after an alleged chemical weapons attack in the Syrian city of Douma was fabricated. This is what BBC Syria producer Riam Dalati wrote on his Twitter account on Wednesday. Sputnik has discussed the development with Piers Robinson, co-director of the Organisation for Propaganda Studies and professor […]

BBC “Trying to Limit Damage” After Fake News of Syrian Chemical Attack – Journo

Sputnik – February 14, 2019 BBC Syria producer Riam Dalati tweeted on Wednesday that the video of people treated after an alleged chemical weapons attack in the Syrian city of Douma had been fabricated. Sputnik has discussed the development with Vanessa Beeley, an independent investigative journalist who specialises in the Middle East and Syria in […]

BBC Producer Says Syria Douma Chemical Attack Footage “Was Staged”

Now approaching nearly a year after the April 7, 2018 alleged chemical attack in Douma, Syria — which the White House used as a pretext to bomb Syrian government facilities and bases throughout Damascus — a BBC reporter who investigated the incident on the ground has issued public statements saying the “Assad sarin attack” on Douma was indeed “staged”.

BBC-staged footage on Syria’s Douma Western media’s ‘theater of absurd’: Russia

Press TV – February 14, 2019 Russia says the latest revelations by BBC that the footage of an April chemical attack near the Syrian capital was fabricated proves the “theater of absurd” in Western media’s coverage of events in the Arab country. “Over the past few years, and not just in Syria, we have been […]

BBC Says Its Producer Expressed ‘Personal Opinions’ on Douma Incident

Sputnik – February 14, 2019 BBC Syria producer Riam Dalati, who wrote on Twitter that he could prove the video of the victims of the alleged chemical attack in Douma being treated in hospital was staged, was expressing his own opinion and did not deny the fact of the attack itself, the broadcaster’s spokesperson told […]

Integrity Initiative: New leaks show UK-funded project sought £5.5m for Balkans influence campaign

RT | February 12, 2019 Hackers have released a sixth batch of Integrity Initiative leaks, this time focusing on how the project sought £5.5 million in funding from the British government to establish an influence campaign in the Western Balkans. According to the leaks, Chris Donnelly, who heads the Institute for Statecraft (IfS) — the […]