INTERVIEW: Robert Stuart on Exposing BBC Faux ‘Documentary’ on Syria

In today’s corporate mainstream media, war propaganda frequently masquerades as ‘news’. These productions are often laundered through some of the world’s most famous and reputable media brands. But when directly challenged over such practices, the establishment media will first react with denial, followed by ad hominem attacks and smears against those raising the alarm. This is the story of one person’s journey in exposing one of the most shocking examples of media deception.

“Saving Syria’s Children”: Response to the HuffPo

Corrections and clarifications to “Keith Allen Thinks The BBC May Have Faked ‘Apocalyptic’ Attack In Syria” Saving Syria’s Children: Did The BBC Lie? from Robert Stuart on Vimeo. By Robert Stuart | OffGuardian | May 13, 2019 News and opinion website The Huffington Post has written about my campaign to crowdfund a documentary about the […]

BBC Accused Of Serious Errors And Misleading Statements In David Attenborough’s Climate Show

By Paul Homewood | Not A Lot Of People Know That | April 26, 2019 The GWPF has now formally submitted its complaint to the BBC about David Attenborough’s Climate Change – The Facts: The BBC programme, presented by Sir David Attenborough, went far beyond its remit to present the facts of climate change, instead […]

Top 51 Fake News Russiagate ‘Bombshells’ Spread By The MSM

By Tyler Durden – Zero Hedge – 04/23/2019 Following the release of the Mueller report, the mainstream media tried to pull a fast one – absurdly claiming that their reporting for the last 2.5 years has been largely vindicated. Except, they weren’t vindicated at all. In fact, they lied through their teeth, peddling falsehood after falsehood. […]