Questions for BBC on new White Helmets podcast series attacking OPCW whistleblowers

A new BBC podcast, “Mayday,” uses smears, gaping omissions, leaps of logic, and factual errors in a desperate attempt to repair the image of late White Helmets founder James Le Mesurier, and discredit the OPCW inspectors who challenged a cover-up of their Syria chemical weapons probe. Mayday’s producer has failed to answer the following questions. The new BBC podcast Mayday covers the life and death of James Le Mesurier, the former UK military officer who founded the group The White Helmets, […]

Real Journalism: Vanessa Beeley Exchanges With Chloe Hadjimatheou on BBC White Helmets/Mayday Rescue Cover-up

The BBC producer, Chloe Hadjimatheou, of the latest in a long line of White Helmet cover-ups, the Mayday Intrigue series, first contacted me on my Vanessa Beeley journalist page on Facebook, on message: 16th May 2020 Chloe:  Hi Vanessa, I’m a journalist at the BBC and I would like to talk to you about something I’m currently researching for BBC R4. […]

Conversations with the BBC – Mayday Rescue/White Helmets cover-up

You [Chloe] appear to be investigating the minutiae with regards to the analysts, researchers and journalists who have exposed the White Helmets, yet you feel you don't have equivalent responsibility to examine every crime the White Helmets are accused of, in particular by the Syrian people who lived under their occupation?

Did the BBC use a Nour Al Din Zinki supporter as researcher for Mayday series?

Abd AlKader Habak was a researcher on the BBC series Mayday, produced by Chloe Hadjimatheou. While western audiences were swamped by images of him supposedly saving a child from the Rashideen massacre in April 2017, survivor testimonies that I gathered placed him prior to the planned suicide attack, chatting amicably with the armed groups led by Nusra Front or Al Qaeda in Syria.

Email correspondence with Chloe Hadjimatheou, Senior Reporter BBC Current Affairs on White Helmets Whitewash

Paul McKeigue, of the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media. has published his email correspondence with BBC producer/reporter, Chloe Hadjimatheou, who also sent emails to Vanessa Beeley and Eva Bartlett, containing threats of possible legal action. Vanessa responded here This blatant propaganda exercise on the part of the BBC to whitewash the White Helmets despite there being, thanks to […]

Russian Embassy reply to BBC Radio 4 regarding its podcast series “Intrigue. Mayday” on the White Helmets and James Le Mesurier

BSNews editors note: we have already published information on this blatant propaganda exercise by the BBC to whitewash the terrorist White Helmets and will be publishing more. This shameful episode, in a long and shameful record of BBC propaganda, is a new low which should be challenged forcefully. Video and transcript of the reply by the Embassy of the Russian […]

The media’s anti-Trump bias on both sides of the pond is so blatant is it any wonder the Donald is crying foul?

By Neil Clark | RT | November 7, 2020 Donald Trump always claimed the media was against him and this week’s events prove he was right, whatever one’s opinion of the US president. It’s probably the understatement of the year to say that Donald Trump is a polarising figure. Rather like Marmite, people tend to […]

BBC’s upcoming White Helmets ‘documentary’ gears up to be a character assassination of those who challenge Syria war narratives

Note from BSNews editors: the BBC producer who has been effectively threatening Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett and others committed to telling the truth about the Syrian conflict is Chloe Hadjimatheou. We will publish more on her as well as email correspondences with her in later posts. Vanessa Beeley writes: The BBC is preparing an attack against journalists, former diplomats, academics and […]

BBC’s upcoming White Helmets ‘documentary’ aims at character assassination of those who challenge Syria war narratives

By Vanessa Beeley | RT | October 24, 2020 The BBC is preparing an attack against journalists, former diplomats, academics and scientists who challenge the dominant pro-war narratives against Syria underpinned by the pseudo-humanitarian White Helmets. The British public broadcaster has sent out requests for comments to those who have dared to expose the role […]

Corbett Report interview – The BBC prepares another attack on independent journalists.

"Vanessa Beeley joins the program to discuss the BBC’s forthcoming hit piece on journalists like herself who dare call out the White Helmets as a foreign-founded, foreign-funded, terrorist-embedded propaganda construct. We discuss Beeley’s reporting on Syria that clearly gives the lie to the White Helmets’ humanitarian cover and the clear signs that the BBC is set to launch a new smear campaign against independent journalists."