Former Pfizer VP Michael Yeadon demands apology from media over ‘lies’ asserting vaccine safety

Dr Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer vice president and co-founder of Doctors for COVID-19 Ethics By Patrick Delaney | LifeSiteNews | February 2, 2022 After being excoriated by mainstream media outlets regarding his concern that COVID-19 gene-based vaccines could cause fertility issues in young women, Dr. Michael Yeadon is now requesting contrition on the part of media outlets as leaked […]

The Covid evidence dismissed by the BBC as ‘conspiracy-laden’

By Sally Beck | TCW Defending Freedom | January 27, 2022 ALLEGED evidence of negligence in handling the Covid vaccination rollout by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) submitted to the Metropolitan Police has been dismissed by the BBC as a ‘conspiracy-laden criminal complaint’. The BBC further claim that the four-hour oral testimony […]

Forget the headlines, these are the vaccine facts

By Geoff Moore | TCW Defending Freedom | January 20, 2022 WE were told before the Covid vaccine rollout that it wouldn’t block transmission, but that it would reduce symptoms and therefore hospitalisation. Throughout 2021 we saw many warning headlines like ‘Pandemic of the unvaccinated’, becoming ever more alarmist like this one in the Guardian towards the end of November when Professor […]

Save the BBC? In Whose Interests?

There has been much gnashing of ‘liberal’ teeth and pulling out of ‘centrist’ hair following the Tory government’s announcement that the BBC licence fee will be abolished in 2027. Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries declared via Twitter, with a dash of right-wing relish: ‘This licence fee announcement will be the last. The days of the elderly […]
The post Save the BBC? In Whose Interests? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

A BBC Complaint

By Toby Young | The Daily Sceptic | January 9, 2022 A reader has shared with us the complaint he submitted yesterday to the BBC about the way in which Radio 4 presented the news that Britain’s Covid death toll has reached 150,000 – a figure which is also on the front of most of today’s papers: […]