Iain Davis’s “BBC Unvaccinated” takedown: Revisited

Off-Guardian recently published Iain Davis’s takedown, The BBC’s “Unvaccinated with Professor Hannah Fry“ parts one, two and three, some all-round brilliant journalism which we thought was worth re-highlighting. We also wanted to give Kari Butler a shout-out for her sterling work audio-narrating this series. Kari Butler has been doing some other audio-narration for OFFG, helping …

The BBC’s Connections to the Conservative Party, and Unit 8200 Infiltrating Social Media, with Alan MacLeod

Lowkey talks to Alan MacLeod about the BBC’s extremely close links to the UK ruling Conservative Party and MacLeod’s latest findings on Israeli military surveillance organization Unit 8200.
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Scientists Discover Massive Recent Slowdown in Melting of Antarctica ‘Doomsday’ Glacier

By Chris Morrison | The Daily Sceptic | October 16, 2022 Forget coral reefs and polar bears – they are so yesterday’s climate scare stories. The real big one, the tipping point du jour, is the collapse of the West Antarctica ice shelf and the prospect of global flooding on a biblical scale last reported in […]

The BBC-to-NATO Pipeline: How the British State Broadcaster Serves the Powerful

While the BBC still maintains a good reputation in the United Kingdom and abroad, it is all too close to key centers of British state power, including the military, government, and the Conservative Party.
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BBC assault on antiwar academics was apparent product of UK intel plot

Leaked emails expose the fingerprints of UK intelligence all over a factually challenged BBC special that aimed to deprive antiwar academics of their jobs and destroy their reputations. On May 31, BBC Radio initiated an embarrassing imbroglio when it broadcast a factually challenged, overtly propagandistic documentary special called Ukraine: The Disinformation War. Fronted by a British state information warrior named Chloe Hadjimatheou, the program professed to investigate “where the new red lines are being drawn in an age of disinformation,” […]

The BBC’s “Unvaccinated”: The Pandemic Dataset – Part 3

Iain Davis In Part 1 we looked at the propaganda and manipulation techniques used throughout the BBC programme “Unvaccinated with Professor Hannah Fry.” In Part 2 we considered the undisclosed conflicts of interest that apparently led some of the BBC’s chosen “experts” to make some misleading statements. Yet perhaps the greatest single deception of all was in the BBC press …