
Ready for Canola Oil Sprayed with Not One But TWO Herbicides?

Bayer, notorious for harming pollinating insects with its neonicotinoid pesticides, is registering a new GM canola that will be tolerant to two health-destroying chemicals, glufosinate and glyphosate. The new GM canola strain was developed to be tolerant to a double-dose of herbicides that have been documented to cause birth defects, neuro-degeneration, cancer, endocrine disruption, and autism-like symptoms.

Retour sur l’émission de « Cash Investigation » à propos de l’industrie des pesticides

France Télévision diffusait ce mardi la première émission de la saison 4 de Cash Investigation.
L’émission d’investigation phare de France Télévision a enquêté sur l’industrie chimique mondiale avec un titre anxiogène : « Produits chimiques : nos enfants en danger »
(disponible en replay ici)

Why Anyone Who Questions the Safety of GMOs is Labeled Anti-Science

How do you continue to push GM crops on a population that has overwhelmingly voted against them in poll after poll? You start a campaign similar to the one the tobacco industry began in the 1920’s with the help of Edward Bernays to discredit any naysayers and even put doctors in commercials smoking cigarettes. You also do whatever it takes to buy out ‘real’ scientists and call those into question who inquire about the true safety of GM foods. You label them anti-science and discredit their credentials.

Bayer Busted for $5.6 Million Over Deadly Chemical Blast

Bayer CropScience is one of the Big Five agricultural companies responsible for pushing GMOs and their health-damaging chemicals on the world. The company has agreed to pay a $975,000 fine and spend $452,000 on a series of measures to improve chemical storage facilities across the United States over allegations of serious safety violations that helped cause a massive explosion.

Health Experts will Meet This Week to Discuss the Dangers of ‘Essure’ Contraceptive Device

Federal health experts are taking another look at Essure, a permanent birth control device for woman that is associated with numerous serious side effects.
The Food and Drug Administration will be asked to consider further clinical studies on Essure, and will be asked to make changes to the device’s warning label.

These ‘Big 6′ Chemical Companies Now Make 50,000 Different Pesticides

At what point can we start calling pesticide makers the true pests that need to be eradicated? At this point the number of pesticides in the world is beyond alarming; it’s (literally) sickening.
In the UK, it has been estimated that enough pesticide is used to account for 420g for every woman, man, and child. In the US, the numbers are similar, if not even more extreme.

Elected Official Denies Pesticide-Bee Death Connection – Research Disagrees

Want proof that our representatives are likely taking handouts from Syngenta, Bayer, and other Big Ag makers of bee and butterfly killing neonicotinoids? Elected representative Rodney Davis of Illinois, who also happens to be the bee health committee chairman appointed to study pesticide and herbicide connections to colony collapse disorder, is singing the praises of neonicotinoids (neonics).