bashar al assad

Turkey: A Criminal State, a NATO State

Let’s face it, Turkey is now a mafia state ruled by a criminal regime. It is also a NATO member state. Perhaps now the pernicious illusion of NATO as military alliance defending justice, human rights, and the rule of law can finally be put to rest. While the propagandists will continue the charade, Turkey has permanently exposed the US-NATO-GCC-Israel for the warmongers they are in Syria and around the world.


Russian Colonel: ISIS is a division of the CIA [VIDEO]

Colonel Alexander Zhilin, Russian army military expert of the Russian Federation, explains in layman’s terms Russia’s national interests in supporting Assad.

Colonel Alexander Zhilin, Russian army military expert of the Russian Federation, explains in layman’s terms Russia’s national interests in supporting Assad.
A number of Russians, and Westerners as well, have some misunderstandings about Russia’s involvement.