
Colorado Officials Blocked Denver from Allowing Marijuana in Bars, Restaurants

Just days after Denver voters narrowly approved Initiative 300, which was intended to allow pot use in city bars and restaurants, a new rule was published November 18 by the Liquor Enforcement Division of the Colorado Department of Revenue (DOR) slamming the door on the plan. [1]
The rule prohibits marijuana consumption at any business that holds a liquor license starting January 1, 2017.
Mason Tvert, an organizer for Initiative 300, said:

Denver may Allow Marijuana Use in Cafes, Concerts, Yoga Studios

You can’t smoke cigarettes in a bar, but if some marijuana advocates in Colorado get their way, you’ll soon be able to vape cannabis in one. [1]
In November, Denver, Colorado residents will vote on an initiative that would allow businesses to obtain city permits to create designated areas for using marijuana.
Kayvan S.T. Khalatbari, the lead proponent of the initiative, said in a statement: