Barry Goldwater

Did the FBI Swing the 2020 Election?

Did the FBI Swing the 2020 Election? by James Bovard Joe Biden won the 2020 election as a result of 43,000 votes in three states. The election was far closer than the media has usually admitted. There were plenty of dubious factors that could have tipped the scales for a Biden victory, including machinations by […]
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Trump can sue psychiatrists who call him insane

During the 1964 US Presidential election, the now defunct Fact Magazine published a piece smearing Republican Presidential candidate Barry Goldwater as insane. The piece featured analysis from psychiatric professionals who had never met Goldwater.
The magazine’s piece made a mockery of Goldwater’s widely read book, The Conscience of A Conservative. 

John Birch Society foreign policy meets leftist big government in today’s USA

US Army Captain and Christian missionary John Birch was killed by Maoist forces in China shortly after the end of the Second World War.
The anti-communist American right named John Birch the first victim of the ‘war against communism’. To this end, Robert W. Welch Jr. founded an organisation in Captain Birch’s name in 1958, the John Birch Society (JBS).
Captain John Birch

EXTREMISM isn’t the problem–PERVERSION is the problem

Elitist western political commentators and politicians frequently talk about the need to stop ‘extremism’, but this is a deeply inaccurate way to describe the policy, cultural and social malaise from which terrorism can foment and flourish.
The Oxford Living Dictionary defines the world perversion in the following way:

“Distortion or corruption of the original course, meaning, or state of something”.

5 different wings of the GOP

The Congressional leadership of the Republican party reminds me of a gang of suicidal men whose every attempt to do the deed fails because the single local bridge is only a metre off the ground. Adding to this is a Democratic party whose every public implosion, inadequacy and lack of originality is the proverbial net that keeps the otherwise useless Republicans on electoral life support.