Barbara Buono

New Jersey... What Now?

Every New Jersey Democrat I know-- even the best of 'em-- are warning about the need to rally around Cory Booker now that he's in a face-off against a big bad right-wing lunatic. Early this morning, on her way to the airport, Barbara Buono told me that "When the polls closed I went to Cory Booker’s election night party. I know that Blue America members may not have supported Cory in the primary.

Why Hillary Clinton Supporters Should Be Contributing To Barbara Buono's Gubernatorial Campaign Right Now

Let's leave out, for now, that New Jersey state Senator Barbara Buono, like Hillary, has been a tireless champion for equality and a consistent and successful fighter for women's rights. Keep it in the back of your mind-- along with the well-established fact that Buono's opponent, Chris Christie, has been a loudmouthed sexist pig who has thrown roadblocks in the way of the legitimate aspirations of New Jersey women.

Will New Jersey Voters Look Beyond The Silly Hype And Examine Chris Christie's Miserable Economic Record-- And Barbara Buono's Excellent One?

Sunday evening New Jersey state Senator and gubernatorial candidate Barbara Buono announced her economic plan for the state by releasing the above video criticizing Chris Christie, who hasn't done a thing for the state's economy aside from reacting to crises. And making the economic conditions in the state worse! He's basically just another buffoon-- albeit a loudmouthed one-- with no vision except to serve the interests of the already wealthy and powerful.

Barbara Buono's Lesbian Daughter Is In A Very Different Situation Than Louie Gohmert's Lesbian Daughter

Digby, Jacquie and Amato met with Barbara Buono at Netroots Nation last week-- so now we can all vouch for what an incredible governor she would make. All she has to do is get around a gigantic roadblock, media darling (they're masochists) Chris Christie. But, as far as Blue America is concerned, it's now official: we endorse Barbara Buono for governor of the Garden State!Early Monday morning I found an e-mail from someone named Tessa Bitterman. I never heard of her and almost deleted it. But something made me open it and read it.

Rahm Emanuel Is Sending Rich, Dumb Dems To Christie

Frank Lautenberg died Sunday night. He was, at 89 the oldest member of the Senate, had been ill for a long time and his death doesn't surprise many. Now Obama's BBF, Gov. Chris Christie gets to appoint a successor. Lautenberg was a dependable progressive across the board. His ProgressivePunch crucial vote score was 94.05, just between Barbara Boxer and Tammy Baldwin.

Obama And Christie Cozy Up To Each Other Again In New Jersey

Sorry, Senator Buono... boys onlyYesterday, President Obama officially endorsed Ed Markey for the Senate seat that John Kerry gave up to become Secretary of State. "Ed has a strong record of helping businesses create jobs and making sure that middle class families get ahead," said the President about a congressman who is considerably more progressive than he himself ever was.

Someone Needs To Tell Obama There's A Great Democratic Candidate Running For Governor Of New Jersey

Last year Obama beat Romney in New Jersey 2,117,175 (58%) to 1,472,709 (41%). In 2008 he had beaten McCain with 57%. Yesterday Obama supporters in the Beltway media were touting how the Republican plans to sabotage the Affordable Care Act could well backfire on GOP governors and legislators who are obstructing it.

Chris Christie Still Counting On New Jersey Voters To Pick A Pig In A Poke

"It's official: Governor Christie is a card carrying member of the Flat Earth Society. We know that climate change is causing more severe weather, like Hurricane Sandy. But Governor Christie ignores overwhelming scientific evidence in favor of right-wing ideology. It's no surprise coming from a governor who's rolled back environmental protections, defunded investment in clean energy and withdrawn our state from a regional effort to reduce greenhouse gases.