barack obama

Matt Drudge blasts Barack Obama’s global warming trip.

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IT’S ON TAPE – In just 45 seconds Obama official BURIES ‘Russia collusion’ claim against Flynn and Trump team

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Flynn affair: a tale of lying and incompetence; not of conspiracy or collusion

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Rotten to the core

We’ve all heard this story in one form or another. A person finally convinces themselves to go see their doctor for some innocuous but persistent problem. Their hope is for relief from a quick injection or a round of pharmaceuticals. Sadly, for our protagonist, it will not be that simple or easy. The seemingly benign symptoms mask a hidden carcinoma lying unseen in some forgotten region of their body, the mostly tranquil surface masking a concealed decay deep in the core that denies a healthy foundation.

Fusion GPS was paid to try and prove Hillary’s made up Trump-Russia collusion story

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Understanding why the Mueller investigation showcases Obama’s White House corruption

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