barack obama

Fact-Checking the Establishment’s “Fact-Checkers”: How the “Fake News” Story is Fake News

It would be an understatement to say that during U.S. President Donald Trump’s term in office, the issue of truth and falsehoods has been a central topic of political discourse. It was a reoccurring issue throughout the 2016 election and has only continued following his unlikely triumph.

Peak stupidity hits MSNBC’s Chuck Todd: Pipe bombs “could be some Russian operation” (Video)

Who better to push out the dumbest of ‘Russia did it’ narratives than NBC’s Meet the Press Chuck Todd.
It took a whole 24 hours to finally get someone willing enough to look like a fool on national television, and say Russia may be behind the pipe bombs being sent out to anti-Trump globalist politicians, actors and intelligence Deep State shills.
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The Negan Syndrome

Overnight, like a flash of light, the far right took another big step forward on the world stage. Brazil’s latest voting results as of October 7th are testimony to the grinding power and overwhelming influence of the irrepressible far-right, a worldwide phenomenon that brings in its wake the death knell of liberal democracy, aka the establishment, aka neoliberal globalism pick one the same as another.

U.S. Switching to Ukraine as Location to Start World War III Against Russia

The United States Government is now treating Ukraine as if it were a NATO member, and on September 27th donated to Ukraine two warships for use against Russia. This is the latest indication that the U.S. is switching to Ukraine as the locale to start World War III, and from which the nuclear war is to be sparked against Russia, which borders Ukraine.
Here is why Syria is no longer the U.S. alliance’s preferred choice as a place to start WW III: