
For the First Time Ever, Profits of all Wall Street Banks Top $100 Billion

Banking is an amazing business.It collects interest by loaning money created out of nothing, when it hits hard times it is bailed out with tax dollars, and when it is riding high, it enjoys incredible tax breaks. It loans money to governments, but it's the taxpayers who guarantee repayment and pay the interest.

Will The Establishment's Culture Of Corruption Defeat The #GreenNewDeal?

Everybody does it... except those who don't. Yesterday PhilosophRob, a vegetarian, ran two Open Secrets-based lists of how much money some of the presidential candidates in Congress took from hedge fund managers and from lobbyists so far this cycle. It's easy to talk about cleaning up the corruption in Congress at the root of all the county's problems. But who is willing to walk the walk?

Bush Legacy: CIA Postmodernism and the Postmodern Imperium – Jay Dyer

In this video I review and analyze the geopolitical work of former Soviet and U.N. advisor Eric Walberg. I cover his take on 20th century Atlanticism and power blocs, as well as cover actions and black ops. I also critique the weakness of his position from an ambiguous liberal moralism which both affirms universal imperatives while simultaneously critiquing imperialism on the basis of extending ideas universally – apt timing given the death of Bush, Sr.

India’s Farmers Plan Mass March to the Nation’s Parliament as Agrarian Crisis Reaches “Civilization Proportions”

With over 800 million people, rural India is arguably the most interesting and complex place on the planet. And yet it is also one of the most neglected in terms of both investment and media coverage. Veteran journalist and founder of the People’s Archive of Rural India P. Sainath argues that the majority of Indians do not count to the nation’s media, which renders up to 75 percent of the population ‘extinct’.

Global Banking Stocks Are Crashing Hard – Just like They Did in 2008

(ZHE) “Fortress balance sheets?”…  “It’s different this time”… “Greatest economy ever.” If all of that is true, then why are the stocks of the most systemically important banks in the world collapsing? And the banking collapse is leading global stocks lower – probably not coincidentally as global central bank balance sheets contract… As The Economic Collapse blog’s […]