
More REAL History Revealed: The TRUTH About The Origins Of World War II - The Unexpected Views Of Four Key Diplomats Who Were Close To The Events

As a student of true history, I have long said that the so called "History" that has been shoved down into our brains in the false and fraudulent so called "education system" is nothing more than a pack of lies... These lies have been done on purpose by criminals who want to keep us unaware of our real history, and as a method of giving us a false history to believe in.  The purpose of the false history is only to help these same criminals as they now push for their ultimate aim of world domination...

How And Why An American Military Coup Could Save The World

The US military is one of the few institutions in America that draws its members from all races and religions with blood relatives in all ethnic groups except for Jews. We are under threat of extinction from our self-appointed leaders on Wall street and in the City of London who gave them selves the right to create our money as a loan at interest. This has led to a Mountain of Unpayable Debts. Our economies are near collapse. Banker Occupied Governments see us as an enemy. Their Foundations have done hundreds of studies saying they would be better off without us.

Banker Occupied Governments Reduced To Desperate Measures.

Robert Mundell is the father of the euro. When he taught at the University of Chicago, he told his students that the euro was never intended to actually work. Its purpose was to fail, impoverish the people of Europe and force them to accept a dictatorship from the unelected European Commission. This is according to Greg Palast of the BBC who attended the University of Chicago.

Video: Criminal Bank Cartel Attack. Sign The End Is Nigh?

On the Friday before Americans had to file their income taxes were due an Investment bank used Merrill Lynch brokerage to sell 3.4 million ounces of gold (100 tonnes). Two hours later 10 million ounces of (300 tonnes)was sold. Of course these were all paper certificates and not physical assets.
This is the third time we have had a 20% drop in gold since 2008.

The Arrogant Banker Says Goodbye

I did not realize that it has been almost two years since I wrote to you. I told you that we bankers would keep you around until you had nothing left to steal. We have just about stolen everything from you so of course it is time for you to die. If you cannot serve us by paying taxes to support us, then you have no function in our world. And make no mistake about it: This world belongs to us because we stole it.