
Jason Erb’s refutation of Tom Woods’ “Why the Greenbackers are Wrong”

On the January 5, 2014 episode of Exposing Faux Capitalism, I provided a two-hour refutation of Tom Woods’ 2013 presentation paper, “Why the Greenbackers are Wrong.“ Here are some highlights: “(2) that fiat money is just fine as long as it is issued by the people’s trusty representatives instead of by the Fed“ - It’s […]

A Quiz To See How Badly Your Brain Is Infected By Zionism!

I have been indeed watching the events unfolding in Syria over the last few days with deep disgust... I am truly shocked that the American government and its Jewish controlled media continues to propagate the outright LIE that this unjustifiable attack by the criminal and terrorist state of Israel against the innocent nation of Syria was due to the need to "stop weapons transfers into Lebanon"...

Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 5th, 2013

Time for my Sunday rant, and there are many things to talk about....First and foremost... We now see the sick and deadly game that the criminals in both the psychotic and terrorist state of Israel, as well as their puppets in the United States government, are playing when it comes to Syria... These sick bastards could not get their nice little war started by promoting the lie that Assad has used "chemical weapons" on his people, simply because that same false and tired claim was made to get the US war on Iraq off and running and people are no longer fooled...