
The Rorschach Candidacy of Hillary Clinton

Thom Hartmann on Donald Trump's other strong appeal to Republican voters (hint: Think Ross Perot). People who like Trump for this reason are potential Sanders voters. Mainstream Democratic trade policy, another party problem, is discussed Gaius PubliusSchedule note: This will be the last piece for a few weeks from me. Writing will resume the third week of August.

Exposing Faux Capitalism with Jason Erb: March 14, 2015

On the March 14, 2015 episode of Exposing Faux Capitalism, I discussed the following issues: Niqab ban during Canadian citizenship ceremony distraction from mass immigration, free advertising for Canada’s Zionist anti-terrorist bill, Via Rail terror plot propaganda, letters with white powder and phony Boston bombing witness, Jeff Bauman.

New Canadian political podcast, The Political Paradox Podcast

A libertarian friend of mine has a new political podcast series from a much-needed Canadian perspective. It’s called the Political Paradox Podcast. From the first two episodes: The Political Paradox Podcast – EP 002 – Healthcare, Government Bans and The Olympics Posted: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 15:00:00 GMT This week, what is the REAL cost […]

In case you were worried about how our boy Eric Cantor would pay his mortgage . . . (And his poll guy's doin' fine too!)

Will our boy's new employer be providing him with flags, or will he have to bring his own to NYC?"After [Teabagger challenger David] Brat's victory, 'many analysts accused Eric Cantor of paying more attention to Wall Street than to the people of Virginia's 7th District,' Kevin Broughton, a spokesman for the Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, a super-political action committee that supports Brat, said in an e-mailed statement.