
Bombshell: Big Banks Funding Production of Internationally Banned Weapons

(COMMONDREAMSDespite the international ban on cluster bombs, more than 150 financial institutions have invested $28 billion in companies that produce them, according to a new report released Thursday.
Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, and Wells Fargo are among the 158 banks, pension funds, and other firms listed in the “Hall of Shame” compiled by the Netherlands-based organization PAX, a member of the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC).

Jay Dyer on Tragedy & Hope 1: Bankster Revolutions (Half)

It’s time! The first lecture series to cover the entirety of Dr. Carroll Quigley’s immense Tragedy & Hope. Here in part 1 we cover the banksters’ scams leading up to World War I, including gold certificates, how revolutionary ideals of classical liberalism were in fact bankster ideals, how false flags and a planned assassination led to World War I and ultimately who the true “Illuminati” were perpetrating these machinations. A series you won’t want to miss! This is the first half of talk no.