
A Look Back-- The Fight Over The Bankruptcy Bill

Friday, in a little-noticed post about Donna Edwards being named to head the DCCC's Red-to-Blue program, we glanced at the success Wall Street had in burdening American families with an unfair and grotesque new bankruptcy law. Needless to say, every single Republican voted for this monstrous concoction of the predatory banking lobbyists.

Third annual Public Banking Institute conference to be held in Detroit

The Public Banking Institute has announced that its third annual conference will be held in Detroit in 2014. This follows on its conferences in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and San Rafael, California. All three sites were chosen strategically, as Philadelphia was where the Constitutional Convention took place, it was the original seat of the U.S. government, and […]

As Detroit goes bankrupt, if you see anything the city owns that you like, try offering the "emergency manager" a few bucks

See anything you like? Make 'em an offer. (Feel free to low-ball.)"The best analogy I have heard for what is happening in Detroit is that this is a five-decade Katrina. Now, you either get a voluntary agreement from people holding long-term debt, or you get bankruptcy."-- Peter Hammer, Wayne State University law professorand director of the Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rightsby KenThe news is pretty stark.

Joe Manchin-- Best Friend Of King Coal

Conservative Democrat Joe Manchin is very popular in West Virginia and he is widely associated with the state's coal mining industry, not necessarily with the coal miners and their families, but with the coal mine owners and managers. When Cecil Roberts, United Mine Workers president, in the video above, yells, "They tried to bamboozle us, they tried to rob us, they tried to steal from us.," no one could have mistaken him for the state's junior senator.