Bank Of England

 Viruses, Real and Virtual

It takes only a cursory scanning of what counts as journalistic product in the significant mass media to see that whereas it may be impossible to keep public hospitals sterile, what passes for news and public debate is beyond normal standards of sterility—it is clearly a vacuum. We can largely discount the alternative media—including where I have been able to post—because this is NOT what feeds the public debate or motivates public action, whether official or unofficial.

Venezuela, Gaddafi, the Bank of England & Why You Can’t Own Your Gold…

As the multi-layered manuevering in regard to Venezuela continues, it was reported a couple of days ago that the Bank of England has taken actions in line with Washington’s lead. The Bank of England has refused to hand over $1.2 billion of Venezuelan gold back to the Venzuelan government. Above is a clip from RT […]