
Is there any alternative to anti-government outburst in Bangladesh?

  In the politics of Bangladesh, opposition parties including the Bangladesh Nationalist Party frequently say that massive movement will be carried out to oust the government, whereas the ruling party, the Bangladesh Awami League, repeatedly responds that oppositions’ anti-government movement will be tackled with full strength. Even if no massive anti-government movement was carried out as said and political situation[Read More...]

Pandemic, recovery efforts and significance of good governance in Bangladesh

Good governance, a much talked–about concept in political and development discourse in the contemporary world and closely related to the concept of ‘governance’ that usually indicates the process of decision–making and the process by which decisions are implemented, is obviously crucial to successfully deal with catastrophic situations caused by the COVID–19. But there is a clear paucity of good governance[Read More...]

The Begumganj (Bangladesh) Gang-rape and the Big Picture

I don’t know who drew this this rape-map of Bangladesh, but this is a telling geography of rape epidemic which has spread widely and reached every nook and corner of the country. The scrolls on each district which are in vernacular are appeals of rape victims, – from 3 year to 72-year-old – tell the story of their helplessness. These[Read More...]

From Cotton to Brinjal: Fraudulent GMO Project in India Sustained by Deception

Insecticidal Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) cotton is the first and only GM (genetically modified) crop that has been approved in India. It has been cultivated in the country for more than 20 years. In a formal statement to the Supreme Court of India, the Indian government has asserted that hybrid Bt cotton is an outstanding success. It therefore argues that Bt cotton is a template for the introduction of GM food crops.

 The Bangladesh Crisis: Growth Without Development, Youth Bulge, and Degeneration 

In view of the prevalent political deadlock, growth-oriented economic development, or growth-without-development – which is simultaneously stagnating and misleading due to inflated GDP growth estimate by the Government – and the absence of the rule of law and accountability of the government, especially since 2007, Bangladesh finds itself in a political cul-de-sac. Why so? The prevalent stalemate under a one-party[Read More...]

Why We Oppose Golden Rice

By the Stop Golden Rice Network (SGRN) (Released today in commemoration of the International Day of Protest Against Golden Rice, now in its 7th year) The push for corporate-led solutions to hunger and malnutrition is ...
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While Mandarins Run Amok in Bangladesh

As late as the 16th century, the Chinese indigenised “mandarin”, a variant of Sanskrit “mantri”, Malay “mantiri” via Portuguese “mandarim”, which stands for minister, counsellor, or a very high government official. Chinese mandarins were highly educated, well-groomed, powerful, and influential people having sharp intellect and immaculate mannerism. Their attire, mannerism, and language represented the mainstream of Chinese high culture encompassing[Read More...]

Talking Faiz: ‘In This Hour of Madness’

( Note : To be published in the Annual Number of ‘Mainstream’) In this conversation academician, writer and social activist Zaheer Ali talks about his latest book ‘Romancing With Revolution : Life and Works of Faiz Ahmed Faiz’ (Aakar Books, Delhi, 2019) and why Faiz is ‘ extremely relevant in today’s India’ This is the … Continue reading Talking Faiz: ‘In This Hour of Madness’ →