
Feds Raid Baltimore Mayor’s Two Homes and City Hall in Corruption Probe

Baltimore Democrat Mayor Catherine Pugh is under investigation by the FBI and IRS as she is alleged to have used her position to secure contracts for the University of Maryland Medical System and managed-care consortium Kaiser Permanente in exchange for the organizations buying her children's book series, Healthy Holly.

Baltimore School District Can’t Afford to Heat Schools But Will Send 60 Busloads of Kids with Meals And T-Shirts to Anti-Gun March

Parents stormed the Baltimore school-system headquarters in January to demand more heat in classrooms, yet the city will send 60 busloads of children to Washington DC later this month to attend the 'Fight for Our Lives' march. The plan is to provide transportation, lunches, and t-shirts for 3,000 children at taxpayer expense. The purpose of the march is to indoctrinate children to favor gun-control and then use the kids to influence public opinion.

Cop Who Arrested News2Share’s Ford Fischer Convicted of Racketeering

(TFC) — When News2Share’s Ford Fischer was arrested in Baltimore, it sent shockwaves through the indie news community. Even though Ford’s footage winds up all over the major networks, he’s one of us. Always has been. Fischer was arrested in Baltimore by Daniel Hersl for simply filming and doing his job during the riots. The indie media community cried […]