
How Pakistan Could Find a Development-First Path to Peace in Balochistan

The disappearances and killings of Baloch activists living in Pakistan and abroad under mysterious circumstances have made headlines in recent years. The surge in cases relating to these “enforced disappearances” highlights the urgency for Pakistan to resolve the grievances felt by the people of the region as it tries to forge an identity away from the U.S. and looks to China for its future[Read More...]

US Blackwater fosters unrest in Pakistan’s Balochistan

Press TV – November 12, 2014 A new confidential document of Pakistani security agencies reveals that a US security company, formerly known as Blackwater, has been involved in fostering unrest and instability in the restive southwestern Pakistani province of Balochistan, Press TV reports. “The revelations were made by paramilitary forces in a briefing given to […]

The New Great Game Round Up- July 28, 2013

U.S. Spy Network in Kyrgyzstan, NATO’s Cold War Revival, Dagestan Dangerous for Rabbis, SCO & WTO Expansion & More
The Great Game Round-Up brings you the latest newsworthy developments regarding Central Asia and the Caucasus region. We document the struggle for influence, power, hegemony and profits in Central Asia and the Caucasus region between a U.S.-dominated NATO, its GCC proxies, Russia, China and other regional players.