
Right On Cue: Pentagon Issue ‘Alert’ as ISIS Vows Revenge Attacks Over Baghdadi Death

Right on cue. If their underground PR office is to be believed, ISIS has now named a new leader.  ISI is warning US against any untoward ‘rejoicing’ or gloating as President Trump has been doing since last weekend’s media festival in the US. 
Undoubtedly, any ‘ISIS attack’ no matter how large or small, or how obscure – will be used by Washington to justify a further (and indefinite) US-led western occupation in places like Syria and Iraq.

Media and Democrats Bash Trump over US Killing ISIS Leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Russians Are Not Convinced It Happened.

There were 3 previous instances where the international media reported Baghdadi's death, and the US military gave Baghdadi a burial at sea, making it impossible to prove that he was executed. It seems that reporting the killing of hated enemies is useful to build popularity among the folks back home.

More Holes in Trump’s Claims About Alleged Killing of ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi

By Stephen Lendman
Trump calling Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi “the world’s number one terrorist leader” ignored reality. No individual, group, or other nation matches US state-terrorism, ongoing at home and abroad worldwide.
As US president and commander-in-chief, the buck stops with him, bearing executive authority for what’s happening on his watch. 

Lendman: ‘Endless US Rape, Occupation and Plunder of Syria’

By Stephen Lendman
Like his predecessors, Trump operates as a frontman for the military, industrial, security complex, Wall Street, and other monied interests. As commander-in-chief, he continues endless US wars of aggression in multiple theaters, along with economic terrorism on Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba, and other nations on the US target list for regime change — including China and Russia.