
Can The DCCC Mess Up The November Election? That Is, After All, Their Expertise

Kyle Layman, the worst DCCC staffer says the DCCC doesn't care about TX-07 at all and the only reason they savagely attacked Laura Moser was to send a message to Orange Co. Dems that they're going to get the same treatmentMore catastrophic midterm indications for the GOP yesterday as Democrats flipped 2 more Republican state legislative seats-- one in Connecticut and one in New Hampshire.

Does Anyone Still Feign Surprise When A Blue Dog Finally Comes Out As A Republican? Joe Baca's Running Again-- As A GOPer

Joe Baca was one of the worst members of Congress when he was in Congress-- a corrupt, conservative Blue Dog and NRA shill. Although he voted with the Republicans against core progressive values and principles virtually all the time, there is such an utter lack of party discipline that he was able to cross the aisle with complete impunity.

Another Blue Dog Admits He's Just A Republican-- Switches Parties

Joe Baca, Blue Dog ----> RepublicanBlue Dogs tend to vote with Republicans on core, crucial issues. Of the 10 worst Democrats in the House this year-- based on their ProgressivePunch lifetime crucial vote scores-- 7 are Blue Dogs who have voted more frequently against progressive proposals than for them. And 2 of the others are shady New Dems. 

Who Is Grubbier-- France's Ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy Or L.A.'s Ex-Sheriff Lee Baca? How About Mississippi Nutcase Chris McDaniel?

What's wrong with voters who allow themselves to be suckered by conservative politicians?I was listening to an amazing broadcast on KCRW the other night. It was a discussion between an anchor who didn't know it was amazing and a beat reporter who was just as clueless. The reporter was babbling to the anchor about how 6 officials of the L.A. County Sheriff's Department were convicted of obstructing a federal probe into violence against inmates in county jails.

Race For The Inland Empire Congressional Seat Heats Up

The Republican wing of the Democratic Party, the New Dems, has endorsed their perfect little corporate stooge-- empty suit and Chamber of Commerce front man Pete Aguilar. Aguilar ran all over the California state Democratic Party convention with shameless corporate whores Gavin Newsom and Eric Bauman assuring all the delegates he's a progressive.

What Kind Of Democrat Calls Himself A "Reagan Fiscal Conservative" In A Primary?

The other day, we mentioned that the two conservative Dems in the Inland Empire congressional race (CA-31), Joe Baca and Pete Aguilar, are slugging it out over which one is worse on the environment. They're both really awful. Aguilar, a former bank lobbyist for the failed Arrowhead Savings and Loan, is the picture of sleazy insider corruption and his entire career has been predicated on his eagerness to cozy up with the Chamber of Commerce Republicans who control the Redlands area.

Senator Ed Hernández And Congresswomen Jackie Speier And Grace Napolitano Buck The Machine To Endorse Eloise Reyes

This pathetic mess somehow "forgot" to mention to California progressives that he's been begging the corrupt, anti-working family New Dems to endorse himDr. Ed Hernández, former president of the California Optometric Association, is the state Senator representing the 24th district, which stretches from East L.A. through Monterey Park, Rosemead, and El Monte out to Azusa and Covina.

Why Political Types In DC Don't Seem To Ever Know Anything About America

The Inland Empire is represented in Congress by wanna-be Confederate General Gary Miller, a multimillionaire real estate swindlerThere are 4 serious candidates in the Inland Empire house race (CA-31), reactionary Arkansas Republican incumbent Gary Miller, progressive activist Eloise Reyes, former Congressman Joe Baca (Blue Dog), and the Steve Israel/DCCC recruit and last cycle's big loser, Pete Aguilar.

More Polling In The Inland Empire-- More Good News For Eloise Reyes

Ros-Lehtinen (FL) and Denham (CA), 2 Republicans in favor of immigration reform... unlike Gary MillerGary Miller, a multimillionaire, crooked Confederate Civil War reenactor from Arkansas was always an odd pick for the new Inland Empire district carved 2 years ago out of the districts of retiring congressmen David Dreier and Jerry Lewis and defeated Blue Dog, Joe Baca.