Avigdor Leiberman

Israeli Defense Minister: Every Single Person in Gaza a Potential Target

TEL AVIV, ISRAEL – Outrage continues to mount over Israel’s repeated shootings of unarmed demonstrators near the Gaza-Israel border, as Palestinians protest along the border fence as part of the “Great Return March.” Under fire over the growing number of civilian deaths, Israeli defense minister Avigdor Lieberman has not only showed no remorse for the loss of life, but has also asserted that all persons living in Gaza are assets of Palestinian resistance group Hamas and, thus, are targets.

Israel’s Lieberman calls for beheading of Arab Israelis

The Israeli foreign minister has called for the beheading of all Arabs living in the occupied territories, only because of their opposition to the policies of the Tel Aviv regime.

(PRESS TV) - Avigdor Lieberman said on Sunday that all Arabs who reside in occupied Palestine and oppose Israel for its discriminatory policies against the Palestinians should be decapitated.