Austrian economics

KOL158 | “The Social Theory of Hoppe: Lecture 6: Political Issues and Applications; Hoppe Q&A”

Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 158. This is the final  of 6 lectures of my 2011 Mises Academy course “The Social Theory of Hoppe.” The slides for this lecture are appended below; links for“suggested readings” for the course are included in the podcast post for the first lecture, episode 153. Transcript below. LECTURE 6: POLITICAL ISSUES AND APPLICATIONS; HOPPE Q&A Video […]

KOL155 | “The Social Theory of Hoppe: Lecture 3: Libertarian Rights and Argumentation Ethics”

Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 155. This is the third of 6 lectures of my 2011 Mises Academy course “The Social Theory of Hoppe.” I’ll release the remaining lectures here in the podcast feed in upcoming days. The slides for this lecture are appended below; links for “suggested readings” for the course are included in the podcast post for […]

KOL154 | “The Social Theory of Hoppe: Lecture 2: Types of Socialism and the Origin of the State”

Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 154. This is the second of 6 lectures of my 2011 Mises Academy course “The Social Theory of Hoppe.” I’ll release the remaining lectures here in the podcast feed in upcoming days. The slides for this lecture are appended below; links for“suggested readings” for the course are included in the podcast post for the […]

Tom Woods responded to my comment on an Austrian deconstruction of a mainstream economics textbook

From Tom Woods’ October 7, 2014 podcast, Austrian economist takes on bestselling college text, chapter by chapter, I noted that there was no challenge mentioned of mainstream economics textbooks advocating governments borrowing from private banks to pay for their legitimate government services rather instead of issuing the money directly, interest-free.

Tom Woods talks about depreciation of the Revolutionary War-era Continental currency without mentioning British counterfeiting

I listened to all of Tom Woods’ September 24, 2014 half hour presentation on the depreciation of the Revolutionary War-era Continental currency, fully expecting him to never mention the massive British counterfeiting, and true to my expectations, he didn’t! This is yet another example of why I am critical of the Austrian School of Economics […]

Daily Bell Interview: on Libertarian Legal Theory, Self-Ownership and Drug Laws

My second interview with The Daily Bell just came out. It’s fairly informal but lengthy and complements the earlier one, and has a bit fewer links and adopts a more colloquial tone. It seems to be getting very positive feedback on Facebook etc. FYI. The recent and older one are linked below. The interview shows how […]