
Food Stamps... A Victim Of Deficit Reduction Mania

I'm not a big fan of obsessive focus on deficit reduction. I'd rather see the government investing in the country's future-- our people and our infrastructure. But the Obama Administration has successfully fought to cut the deficit at a faster rate than any other Administration since World War II. I don't blame just Obama. The Republicans have made a really bad situation much, much worse.

Paul Krugman has a message for policy-makers: "Where we are is not O.K. Stop shrugging, and do your jobs"

Patrick Chappatte [click to enlarge]"For more than three years some of us have fought the policy elite's damaging obsession with budget deficits, an obsession that led governments to cut investment when they should have been raising it, to destroy jobs when job creation should have been their priority.

Defend Assata, Defend Ourselves: The Black Is Black Coalition Rallies in Harlem

A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford | May 8, 2013

In doubling the bounty on former Black Liberation Army member Assata Shakur’s head, the Obama administration is announcing that Black radicals are candidates for his Kill List. The message is as unmistakable and dramatic as the billboards that have been erected in Newark, New Jersey, and elsewhere screaming for the exiled freedom fighter’s blood.

Banker Occupied Governments Reduced To Desperate Measures.

Robert Mundell is the father of the euro. When he taught at the University of Chicago, he told his students that the euro was never intended to actually work. Its purpose was to fail, impoverish the people of Europe and force them to accept a dictatorship from the unelected European Commission. This is according to Greg Palast of the BBC who attended the University of Chicago.