
Auschwitz Slams Israeli Council Head’s Plans for Gaza Strip to be ‘Destroyed’ and Made a Museum like the Concentration Camp.

“The entire Gaza Strip should be emptied and leveled flat, just like in Auschwitz. Let it become a museum, showcasing the capabilities of the State of Israel and dissuading anyone from living in the Gaza Strip,” Azoulai said. “We should leave Gaza desolate and destroyed to serve as a museum, demonstrating the madness of the people who lived there.” The Auschwitz Museum in Poland […]

Yours is not to Reason Why

I have transcribed much words spoken by the survivors of holocaust before writing this. I did this exercise not to gather information but to recognise in my flesh that I am incapable of speaking about what has happened at Auschwitz, the largest concentration and extermination camp. The place of “Final Solution to the Jewish Question”. ‘Where inmates were killed in[Read More...]

Human Cost of Silence

In a haunting memoir, Piera Sonnino has narrated her devastating experience as a twenty-two-year Italian Jewish woman. She lost her parents and three brothers in the Auschwitz concentration camp in 1944. She is the only holocaust survivor in her family. Her memoir, ‘This has happened: An Italian Family in Auschwitz’ provides a moving account of unspeakable evils of Nazism. The[Read More...]

On Holocaust Memorial Day US Embassy Falsely Claims America Liberated Auschwitz

The United States Embassy in Denmark has apologized for a statement it made earlier this week that incorrectly claimed that it was American troops that liberated the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. In fact, Red Army troops reached its gates on January 27, 1945. “We acknowledge the important contributions of all Allied Forces during WWII and remember the 6 million Jews who perished during the Holocaust,” the correction read.

Israel’s Auschwitz Commemoration: A Kidnapping of Jewish history

As world leaders gathered in Jerusalem to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp, Zochrot, an Israeli NGO that works to raise awareness among Israeli Jews of the injustices faced by Palestinians, posted a comment on their Facebook page. The post, written in Hebrew, reminded visiting world leaders that the Israeli Holocaust Museum, Yad Vashem, was built on a hill once called Hirbet Elhamame in Arabic.

Projet de loi polonais sur la Shoah : hypocrisie des condamnations

Le parlement polonais vient d’adopter la semaine dernière un projet de loi punissant d’une peine pouvant aller jusqu’à trois ans de prison toute personne qui « attribue à la République de Pologne et à la nation polonaise, publiquement et contrairement à la réalité des faits, la responsabilité ou la coresponsabilité de crimes nazis perpétrés par le IIIe Reich allemand ».

Angela Merkel va-t-elle cautionner les mensonges d’Elie Wiesel et, notamment, son mensonge de l’extermination des juifs, à Auschwitz, par le feu et non par le gaz ?

Le lundi 24 avril 2017, Mme Angela Merkel, chancelière de la République fédérale allemande et ancien membre des Jeunesses communistes au temps de la République démocratique allemande, recevra le prix Elie Wiesel qui lui sera décerné par l’Holocaust Memorial Museum de Washington (voyez USA: le musée de l’Holocauste va remettre le prix Elie Wiesel à Angela Merkel, i24NEWS, 23 mars 2017).  Elie Wiesel, décédé l’an dernier, était ce « grand faux t