Attorney General

Trump: If The DOJ Wants To Arrest Assange, “It’s OK With Me”

Having selected several key excerpts from Donald Trump’s lengthy AP interview earlier, we urge readers looking for fascinating yet surreal bedtime reading to give the full, nearly 8,000 word transcript a try, as it contains bizarro excerpts such as this:
AP: You did put out though, as a candidate, you put out a 100-day plan. Do you feel like you should be held accountable to that plan?

Jeff Sessions Goes Full Reefer Madness

(ANTIMEDIA) Attorney General Jeff Sessions is terribly confused and wildly uninformed. That, or he’s a liar.
Trump’s pick to head the Department of Justice has long opposed cannabis and enthusiastically supported the war on drugs. Though he reportedly recently assured congressional lawmakers he would not be instituting a crackdown on weed in states where it’s legal, his rhetoric against the increasingly accepted plant is concerning.

Jeff Sessions’ War on Weed Is a War on You

(ANTIMEDIA) It seems Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ former comments claiming the enforcement of federal marijuana rules is a “strain on federal resources” have been completely forgotten. The former Alabama senator showed his true colors on this issue during a recent exchange with reporters, and we now know his office is “going to look” at cases in some states of people violating local marijuana rules.

BREAKING: Jeff Sessions confirmed as Attorney General

Following a tough confirmation battle, Jeff Sessions – Donald Trump’s pick for Attorney General – has won confirmation from the Senate.
The vote was 52 in favour, 47 against, with the vote following party lines, with just one Democrat voting for Sessions.
Sessions has faced sustained opposition, with accusations that he has taken racist positions, which previously caused his failure to win confirmation as a federal judge in 1986.

Sessions Backs Down On Support For Waterboarding, Muslim Ban

Attorney General-designate, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., takes his seat on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2017, after a break in his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee. (AP/Alex Brandon)
(REPORT) — Jeff Sessions, a far-right senator from Alabama and Donald Trump’s choice for attorney general, the country’s top lawyer, said waterboarding was unlawful at his confirmation hearing on Tuesday.