Athens Dispatch

Golden Dawn: Greece’s Neo-Nazi Party Convicted as Criminal Organization

On October 7, after a five-year trial, the leadership of the fascist Golden Dawn (GD) party of Greece was found guilty of criminal actions and the party itself was deemed a “criminal organization.” Fifty-one of the sixty-nine accused received prison terms based on their crimes. It was the longest trial in Greek history since constitutional […]

Pompeo in Greece: Expanding the U.S. Empire in the Eastern Mediterranean

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s visit to Thessaloniki and Crete in Greece on September 28-30—the second tour in the span of a year and only a few weeks before the U.S. presidential elections—furthers the aggressive U.S. agenda shaping the latest political developments in the region. The real purpose of Pompeo’s visit was to augment the […]

U.S. Expands Military Bases in the Eastern Mediterranean and Lures Debt-Weary Greece into Provocative Military Partnership for Geopolitical Control of Region

Thousands of Greeks have come out to protest the expansion of U.S. military bases in Greece, arguing this will further destabilize the region and perilously enmesh Greece in endless imperialist wars. Since the arrival of Geoffrey Pyatt as the American ambassador to Greece in October 2016, the government in Athens, to the ire of many […]

Greece Gives Birth to Another Virulent Neo-Nazi Party — Is the U.S. Ambassador One of Its Proud Godfathers?

“Greeks for the Fatherland:” Ilias Kasidiaris and Greece’s New Far-Right Party A new neo-Nazi party, “Greeks for the Fatherland,” has formed in Greece under the leadership of former Golden Dawn (GD) leader Ilias Kasidiaris as the infamous GD Party begins to fade. Serious fissures in GD began in July 2019 when GD failed to enter […]