
Banished from Pakistan: Islamabad Moves on Afghan Refugees

Across the globe, refugees, always treated as the pox of public policy, continue to feature in news reports describing anguish, despair and persistent persecution.  If they are not facing barbed wire barriers in Europe, they are being conveyed, where possible, to third countries to be processed in lengthy fashion.  Policy makers fiddle and cook the […]

Taking the Refugee Hysteria off Ice

There are many reasons why Australian foreign policy can be viewed from the wrong end of a municipal drainpipe. For one, it is largely dictated, in terms of security, by the competitive, acquisitive urgings of the United States.  Fictional reassurances are offered to supposedly calm nerves in Canberra against phantom threats: extended nuclear deterrence, the […]

Nauru’s Refugee Stain: Australia’s Continued Offshore Processing Regime

The last refugee, for now, has left the small, guano-producing state of Nauru.  For a decade, the Pacific Island state served as one of Australia’s offshore prisons for refugees and asylum seekers, a cruel deterrent to those daring to exercise their right to seek asylum via the sea. Since July 2013, 3,127 people making the […]

The Great Asylum Racket

Does a nation have the right to protect its own borders? Western nations don’t, according to every contender for the Democratic Presidential nomination. To a man and woman these politically correct morons voted to decriminalise illegal migration into the United States, effectively opening its borders. Europe has seen similar calls from the usual ragbag leftist mobs: “No one is illegal!” is one of their slogans. “Refugees welcome here” is another. And anyone who opposes this policy can only be racist, right?