assault weapons ban

The GOP Says It Wants To Win Back 5 New Jersey House Seats. OK, I Want To Get Back To My Stamina From When I Was 18-- Neither's Going To Happen

2020 is going to be a bad year for congressional Republicans. The Democrats may lose a few seats in very red districts where "accidental" freshmen have been disappointing Democratic voters by running up horrible records as Blue Dogs. I would imagine waste-of-seat-holders like Joe Cunningham (SC), Anthony Brindisi (NY), Kendra Horn (Oklahoma)...

Andrew Romanoff For U.S. Senate

Colorado Senator Cory Gardner is widely considered the most vulnerable Republican up for reelection. And there are currently 13 Democrats-- of all stripes-- running for the nomination to take him on. The elephant in the room is that former Governor Frackenlooper has just dropped out of his dismally failed presidential run and-- encouraged by Chuck Schumer-- is about to announce for the Senate seat, into which he expects to waltz.

If The Most Right-Wing Democrat In Congress, Josh Gottheimer, Now Backs An Assault Weapons Ban, Why Can't Pelosi?

Yesterday, Rachel Bade reported that the House Judiciary Committee "will return to DC on Sept. 4 at 10 a.m. to markup gun bills banning high capacity ammunition magazines; instituting red flags and anti-hate legislation. The panel will hold a hearing on an assault weapons ban later in the month.