Israeli Journalist Uncovers 2,700 Plots by Israeli Intelligence Agencies to Murder Their Opponents

A new book, Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel's Targeted Killings, documents 2,700 state-sponsored murders by the Israeli Mossad, Shin Bet, and the Israeli military. A plot to mass murder an entire stadium full of people in Beirut was hatched in order to kill leaders of the Palestine Liberation Organization. The attack was called off at the last minute, and an officer recalled telling then-Prime Minister Menachem Begin that, if he followed through with the plan, the whole world would turn against them.

JFK Files: US Officials Plotted Destruction Of Cuban Crops With Biological Agents

Several of the more intriguing files released in the President John F. Kennedy assassination files have little to do with specific aspects of the assassination. Instead, they involve covert operations that were contextually related to possible theories that were initially entertained by investigators.
A special group of military generals and CIA officials met to discuss “sabotage operations” in Cuba on September 6, 1962. The group discussed “agricultural sabotage.”

Porkins Policy Radio episode 113 Michael Swanson on Ken Burns Vietnam Propaganda

Michael Swanson, the author of The War State, joins me for an in-depth discussion of the Ken Burns and Lynn Novick Vietnam documentary series. I begin the conversation by discussing my own fascination with the Vietnam War. I talk about the influence my father has had on my understanding of the war, touching on his experiences with the army when he was drafted in 1969. Michael and I then dive into the film itself. We look at some of the serious flaws and aspects that the we felt were left out with the film including the CIA and drug trafficking.

Breaking! Gladio B Assassinates Journalist With Car Bomb!

An investigative journalist was just assassinated in Malta with a car bomb. Media outlets are reporting this murder may be politically driven, and is only limited to Malta, but there is much more to this story as this journalist was getting too close to something much bigger, Operation Gladio B.
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