OJ Shot JFK! The JFK King-Kill 33 Psy Op

Testing out some new video software on my iPhone, we shot a rough video at the Grassy Knoll. As Chris and John at Hoaxbusters propose – what if the JFK fiasco is itself a large-scale theatrical PsyOp? Do we *really* know what went down that day? What about Michael Hoffman’s thesis of a king-kill ritual and dramaturgy? Was he a created martyr for the Cold War and so-called “democracy”? Bearded, hot and haggard, I discuss this.

Death Penalty: A State of Assassins !!

There’s a worldwide debate over the “legality” of Death Penalty, Execution or Capital Punishment as it is referred to in the different legal systems. There are people and organizations who support capital punishment and even with increasing its rates and the legislation that widens its range alleging that it deters and reduce capital crimes within the society. However, others, people and organizations are against it and fighting and campaigning to stop it as an inhuman way of punishing individuals for committing crimes and offenses that the whole society is responsible for.