
Idlib on Fire

Submitted by Steve Brown…
Point man to take advantage of US muddling and meddling in Syria by US State is Recep Tayyip Erdogan, clearly playing his hand as the “great NATO ally” posturing to avoid US sanctions, in light of Turkey’s recent S-400 missile purchase and his attempt to fill a perceived power vacuum in the Middle East and Africa..

Corporate Media Spin: Terrorist Bunkers in Idlib Become ‘Hospitals’

In the western media narrative, SAA-targeted underground bunkers and terrorist run prisons become ‘hospitals’. We should not allow ourselves to be collectively hypnotised into believing the media hype that would portray armed-group murderers as heroes, and the Syrian people and government struggling to expel them from the country as villains. IDLIB PROVINCE, SYRIA (Report) — In recently liberated Qalaat Al Madiq […]

Latest attempt to prosecute President Assad at ICC is further criminalisation of “international justice”

In March 2019 two law firms filed cases at the ICC against Syria’s President Bashar Al Assad and unnamed members of the Syrian government. Toby Cadman of Guernica Chambers and Rodney Dixon of Temple Garden Chambers were the protagonists in this latest attempt to criminalise the Syrian President and government.  These law firms are basing their case upon the testimony […]